Friday, October 19, 2007

Gifts, Hopes, and Fine Men

Tonight I am sitting by my new fireplace and taking in the view of Seattle out my living room window. Really, I am thinking to myself? I get to enjoy this every day? How did I get such a gift?

The leaves are falling off the trees, and my winter view of the Space Needle is here. I love my summer view (where the Needle peeks out from behind the foliage), but I think I am going to enjoy the direct gaze for the next several months. I always sensed its presence, but it is good to be face to face with it, too.

Which brings me to the ruminations of my heart tonight….

I have learned this week, that I have an amazing presence of men in my life. They listen to my voice, value my mind and heart, and are curious about the way I see the world. They challenge me, and let me call them out, too. They share their questions and their hopes; they have the character to share their convictions and their wounds. There is a respect and a mutuality in our way of being together that I have come to take for granted.

But, this week, I came face to face with it, once more, which has caused me to pause and consider the richness of their gifts in my life. I sense tears wanting to accompany my words, because something about the grace of each of you touches me at a deep, visceral level. I would not be able to write what I do or hope for what I do without the community of men that surrounds me. For each of you, I am grateful.


Anonymous said...

taking them for granted just means you trust them. this is where true redemption takes place, kim. keep expecting to be met by them and find strength to keep fighting when they fail you. we are blessed with good men in our lives and they are equally blessed with good women like us!

Derrick Fudge said...

Thank you so much for the message. that is so encouraging to me that you feel blessed by the men in your life. We appreciate you so much because you are such a good person, and It makes me happy you are encouraged our appreciation

Anonymous said...

Your words are so often like good gifts Kim, and here they gift again, in the power of your gratitude.

I read some other words this weekend that brought you to mind. They were from introductory reflections in a Stanley Kunitz collection of poems. He wrote,

“We have all been expelled from the Garden, but the ones who suffer most in exile are those who are still permitted to dream of perfection.”

Your dreams are good and powerful my friend, and I know only but a fraction of how much they have already cost you. May God send you many ravens when you hunger, may all jars you touch brim full with oil, and may you find countless caves full of like-minded dreamers along your way.

And may the world come face to face with such good-gift-dreams, and may we all be forever changed...